As they launched into O Magnum Mysterium, the harmonies flowed together inseparably like a river carrying us along in their quiet current through the recesses of our memories, recalling the joy and wonder of the birth of God’s son, intertwined with the gift of the music and worship that can carry us to places beyond the ordinary.
The interplay of instruments and voices in Messe de Minuit pour Noel H.0 was charming and lively. They made me smile right from the bass players wink at Christy before they started. Soloists helped to reinforce the glory of the Triune God. I wanted to shout a loud, ‘Amen!’ at the end. Having the orchestral accompaniment was delightful, especially the harpsicord and recorders, reminding us that these are words that have been repeated through the ages.
The simplicity of Sally Beamish’s work, ‘In the Stillness,’ blended reality and wonder perfectly with the low notes providing a strong canvas for the picture being painted of the present intertwined with the ancient story of the stable and the hushed expectation that a baby is about to enter the world and rearrange our reality.
Jordan Rose’s solo richly evoked the miracle of the Christ child coming into the world in ‘A Spotless Rose, while ‘The Three Kings’ and the lullaby captured both the gentleness and vulnerability as well as the prophetic cry of the fate of this baby born to be king and to die for us.
I was enchanted by the humorous ‘bird-like calls echoing through the serious message of the ‘Mistletoebird.’ It was a superb way to evoke the idea that the whole of creation was involved in this act of redemption, a consequence of the coming of Christ that is often neglected. ‘Veni Veni’ treated us to a traditional approach with its soaring notes and percussion that provided a stirring reminder of the enduring story of God coming into the world to rescue us, an act of mercy and grace that we have been celebrating for over 2000 years.
Don’t miss another year of ACS. Look out for them next year. They are a world-renowned choir and we are extremely fortunate to lay claim to them, here in Adelaide. My son buys me season tickets to the ACS every year for Christmas. Like the joy of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, that is the gift that keeps on giving throughout the year.